Mt Satima Through Dragons Teeth

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 The 3rd Highest Peak in Kenya

The 3rd Highest Peak in Kenya



Mt Satima peak is the highest point in the Aberdare Ranges and the 3rd highest point in Kenya. Accessing the mountain through Dragon’s Teeth traverses one of the coldest places in Kenya. It also gives you a better view of the Northlands, taking you to the border of Nyeri and Nyandarua Counties. This 16 kilometre trek takes you to 4001m above sea level, with an altitude gain of about 800 metres. The hike goes through alpine vegetation and craggy moraines from which the name “Dragon’s Teeth” emanated. Enjoy the most breathtaking view of the Aberdares Ranges and occasion shoulder-brushing with wild animals. Due to the altitude covered, one must undergo basic preparation to acclimatize their body for the gain. 


Mt. Kenya Dress Rehearsal



Before setting out, do some cardio workouts. Intense walking, cycling, running and swimming can help you prepare. Also, take a lot of water, carbohydrates and get enough rest at least 2 days before the hike. Most importantly, train your mindset since hiking has more to do with the mind than the body preparation.


The total distance of the hike is about 16 kilometres. However, the first 8km is fairly moderate, going through alpine vegetation. If this is your first-time hiking, this trek may be cumbersome. Any experienced hiker above 12 years is welcome. We begin the journey at the Rhino Gate of the Aberdare National Park. Rolling southwards to Mt Satima Peak takes about 5 hours, going through scrublands and rock formations. The hardest of the trail is the 3km after the Dragon’s Teeth towards the mountain peak. If your body is not ready for the challenge, you might pass out here. Before the peak, you pass through Moorland Viewpoint, which gives you the feeling of what you expect at Mt Satima. The view from the mountain is spectacular, giving you a first-hand view of the entire range and a bigger forest southward. On a clear sky, you can see Mt Kenya in the distance, which is the highest point in Kenya. The journey back is simpler, reaching the gate in about 3 to 4 hours. 


The Weather

Geographically, Aberdare Forest is a highland, making it one of the coldest places in Kenya. Mt Satima is the highest point in the range, making the situation worse, regardless of the time of the year. Carry enough warm clothes and a raincoat in case it rains.

What to Carry Along


  1. Foot ware – good hiking boots to scale the rocky terrain, steep climbs and wet ground. Gumboots could do, although not as much as hiking boots.
  1. Clothes – dress light; breathable hiking pants and a polyester t-shirt. However, carry something warm for the night, and if possible, another pair of clothes.
  1. Hiking supplies – get enough water, at least 2 litres in a refillable bottle. Snacks, sunscreen, sunglasses and a torch.
  1. Fitness – the Kimakia trail is easy, apart from the steep ascends along the river. A light warm-up before the hike is sufficient. 

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We are passionate about discovering trails not just in Kenya, but also in other breathtaking locations. Our goal is to conquer mountains, marvel at waterfalls, delve into forests, and immerse ourselves in thrilling adventures. 


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