Mackinders Hike -Mt. Kenya

DATE: 10th/February/2024 | CHARGES:
Citizens: Ksh. 3,500 | Non-Citizens: USD. 55Register Now


Mt. Kenya from the North West 



Mackinder is on one of the 3 main routes to Mt Kenya, the Sirimon route, passing through the Mount Kenya Park gate from the North West. It is ideal for those who want an easier and more gradual climb to Mt. Kenya and direct access to Point Lenana (3rd highest). Traditionally, hikers accessing the mountain on this route reach the Mackinders Valley on day 2. By covering it in one day, this hike is one of the toughest in our 2023 series. 


It stands at 4,300m above sea level. The difference between the Mackinders and Point Lenana elevation is 595m, confirming its popularity on the North-western route. Most people angling for a take at the mountain use this as a dress rehearsal for the ultimate hike.


Mt. Kenya Dress Rehearsal



From Nairobi to the Sirimon Mt Kenya National Park Gate is 217km, taking close to 4 hours. From the trek starting point, the hike covers 21 km, which is the highest we have done this year. The gate is in the middle of a thick forest, after which you proceed to a thicket of moorlands. From here, you can see the beautiful surrounding overlooking the Nanyuki Nairobi route to the south and Point Lenana far ahead to the East. You pass through the Tereki Valley, giving you a test of extreme hiking. If you are not a natural, this is your U-turn point back to the starting point. If you push on some more, the resolve to reach the Mackinders valley is stronger. However, altitude sickness and general weakness associated with atmospheric pressure are imminent. The whole 21kms takes roughly 9 hours to and fro. Needless to say, the difficulty level compared to other hikes earlier in the year is incomparable. Mackinders Valley is within the afro-alpine zone in the Mt Kenya habitat, facing Point Lenana. On a clear day, you can also see the other peaks from a distance. The Mackinders camp is the best place to stimulate altitude sickness for hikers who plan on going up the mountain. 


The Weather

Mt Kenya is a cold zone from January to December. Occasional sunshine, especially in November, might be there, but the Mackinder camp is cold nonetheless. Prepare accordingly, especially on clothes, hiking boots and water.

What to Carry Along


  1. Foot ware – good hiking boots to scale the rocky terrain, steep climbs and wet ground. Gumboots could do, although not as much as hiking boots.
  1. Clothes – dress light; breathable hiking pants and a polyester t-shirt. However, carry something warm for the night, and if possible, another pair of clothes.
  1. Hiking supplies – get enough water, at least 2 litres in a refillable bottle. Snacks, sunscreen, sunglasses and a torch.
  1. Fitness – the Kimakia trail is easy, apart from the steep ascends along the river. A light warm-up before the hike is sufficient. 



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We are passionate about discovering trails not just in Kenya, but also in other breathtaking locations. Our goal is to conquer mountains, marvel at waterfalls, delve into forests, and immerse ourselves in thrilling adventures. 


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