Rurimeria Hill Hike

DATE: 13th Jan 2024
Citizens: Ksh. 3500 | Non-Citizens: USD. 55REGISTER TODAY


Facing Mt. Kilimanjaro



Aberdare is known for its scenic views and trekking grit, which explains the many hiking expeditions to the area. Rurimeria Hill hike is not for the faint-hearted. Besides the weather, the steep climbing, boggy section, and altitude gain make it one of the toughest hill hikes in the Aberdare circuit. The highest point on the hill is 3,860m, with a possible elevation gain of about 1,129m. You start on a high with a steep climb, continuing for some time before landing on a relatively flat area. The apex of the hike is a steep climb before reaching the hilltop. For beginners, the Rurimeria hill hike needs a lot of input, which will require a lot of exercise, commitment and will. The hike is moderate-to-high rated, reaching a high of 2,548m above sea level. On a good day, you can cover the 14km of hiking in 6 hours, although it can stretch to 8 hours on a rainy day. The highlight of this experience is seeing Emuka Peak, going through the forest trail, and a visual of the Namanga Border and the rock boulders. 


Hiking the

Roller Coaster 


The first 3km is a steep climb with altitude effects kicking in. You must handle this section well since it will determine your overall hiking speed and team well-being. If you need more preparation, this is where you give up on the whole experience. This is why this particular hike is not meant for beginners. 

When you reach the relatively flat ground, there is a drastic change in weather. Not even the sun’s rays can quench the thrilling cold. Coupling it with the altitude effects, the two become the real test of the hikers. To mitigate this, ensure you eat well at least 3 hours before the hike to give your body enough energy to continue the journey. You then set upon the rocky terrain as you gradually climb to the hiking second peak. It is continuous ascend until you get to a steep climb that gives you the Rurimeria Hill. You go through moorlands which is a characteristic in nearly all Aberdares climbs. With a gradual but consistent pace, you witness the surrounding hills, waterfalls and forests in the distance. Mt Satima is visible in the North, while the Aberdare National Park is in the far East. The 15km hike takes close to 9 hours to and from the starting point. It works well for experienced hikers since the steep ascends and faster altitude change might way down on beginners. 


The Weather

The Aberdare ranges are cold throughout the year, with occasional sunshine in between. During September, expect some chilly weather, light rains and muddy terrains. Prepare accordingly for the weather with sufficient clothes and food.

What to Carry Along


  1. Foot ware – good hiking boots to scale the rocky terrain, steep climbs and wet ground. Gumboots could do, although not as much as hiking boots.
  1. Clothes – dress light; breathable hiking pants and a polyester t-shirt. However, carry something warm for the night, and if possible, another pair of clothes.
  1. Hiking supplies – get enough water, at least 2 litres in a refillable bottle. Snacks, sunscreen, sunglasses and a torch.
  1. Fitness – the Kimakia trail is easy, apart from the steep ascends along the river. A light warm-up before the hike is sufficient. 



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We are passionate about discovering trails not just in Kenya, but also in other breathtaking locations. Our goal is to conquer mountains, marvel at waterfalls, delve into forests, and immerse ourselves in thrilling adventures. 


Kilometers Hiked


Scenic Views