The Eastern Foot of the Aberdare.




Tacked in the heart of Central Kenya, Zaina Falls welcomes you to the famous Aberdare Ranges. It is slightly over 170 kilometres North of Nairobi and 10 kilometres west of Nyeri town. The hilly terrain and cold weather usher hikers to extreme conditions as they learn the history of this fertile agricultural land. 


 They also get to see and feel the Aberdare Ranges, albeit from a distance. The Zaina Falls are spectacular, with the surrounding vegetation covering a perfect environment for wild animals who sometimes wander to the Falls. Challenge yourself and go 70º up the waterfalls to test your gravitas. If you are a lover of nature, Zaina Falls is your best hiking bet. 


The Hiking Itinerary



The journey begins from Nairobi, snaking through Thika Road to Nyeri town, about 150 kilometres away. Just after Nyeri town, take a right turn off the Nyeri-Nyahururu road towards Ihururu Shopping Centre. Being primarily agricultural land, you will find small-scale farms with tea, coffee and small-scale dairy farming.

 Actual hiking begins at the small Zaina shopping centre and continues for about 4 kilometres on a murram road before going through the heavily forested area. If you are lucky, you can catch a glimpse of some wild animals from the nearby Aberdare National Park and several bird species. 

 The dense forest cover makes the place a bit dark, even during the day. Also, depending on the time of the year, the area can be wet and cold. However, we expect warm weather on the day of our hike since it falls within the Kenyan summer. Besides the Zaina Falls and the Aberdare Forest, you can see the Chinga Dam, Mau Mau Caves and Chania River.

The waterfall and the adjacent vegetation cover and terrain provide a perfect backdrop for photography. At the waterfall landing, the small reservoir and the stones 50 meters off create a rainbow ambience, especially on a clear and sunny day. Zaina Hills stands close to 2000 meters above sea level.


The Weather

The Aberdare Ranges are generally cold, with occasional sun rays and showers. In early September, the short rains are on course, which requires you to prepare adequately. Going through the forests and moorlands causes cooling effects, which also applies at the top of the Table Mountain. 

What to Carry Along


  1. Foot ware – good hiking boots to scale the rocky terrain, steep climbs and wet ground. Gumboots could do, although not as much as hiking boots.
  1. Clothes – dress light; breathable hiking pants and a polyester t-shirt. However, carry something warm for the night, and if possible, another pair of clothes.
  1. Hiking supplies – get enough water, at least 2 litres in a refillable bottle. Snacks, sunscreen, sunglasses and a torch.
  1. Fitness – the Kimakia trail is easy, apart from the steep ascends along the river. A light warm-up before the hike is sufficient. 
