Table Mountain - Aberdare

Citizens: Ksh. 2,900 Non-Citizens: Ksh. 3,900


The Aberdares’ Dare Hike




The new Table Mountain trail is as challenging as the old one, pitting steep cliffs and incredible altitudes. The hike is a reserve of experienced people, especially those who came to our hikes in the Aberdares earlier in the year. For the entire 6.2 km, you will experience level treks, steep slopes and vertical climbs, crossing rivers and slow treks. Aberdares ranges are hikers’ paradise. The region has many adventures and thrilling experiences, which is considered one of the coldest in Kenya. The Table Mountain hike starts with a gentle trail into a river, then a vertical ascend. It drops you to the previous route, after which you go through a brief flat trek. From there, it is steep climbing and finally a gentle trek. The highest elevation on the course is about 3,800m, while the whole trail is 12.5 kilometres.


Hiking the

Roller Coaster 


The journey starts at Kwa Matu, a small shopping centre on the edge of the western side of the Aberdares. As you enter the Aberdare zone, there is a steep descent to a river which you cross over and enter into the protected area. After the fence, there is a 350m steep climb through a montane forest.For 1.5 km, you go through a level field with flowers and meadows, bringing in the natural feel. Far ahead, you see a forest of wild trees and more wildflowers, reminding you of the beauty of the wilderness. This section goes through the old Table Mountain trail as you enjoy one of the easiest parts of the track.

 You get to a rocky trail with a steep climb. On your left are deep cliffs with huge rocks with scary shapes. Far on, there are beautiful trees and other natural habitats. After this section, you can see the actual Table Mountain ahead after the trail levels off. 

 The next phase is easy as you wander on top of the mountain, admiring the surroundings and listening to birds chirp. You also get to see Mt Kinangop, Aberdare Moorlands and waterfalls, albeit at a distance. The journey back is simple but tasky as you must observe your steps.


The Weather

The Aberdare ranges are cold throughout the year, with occasional sunshine in between. During September, expect some chilly weather, light rains and muddy terrains. Prepare accordingly for the weather with sufficient clothes and food.

What to Carry Along


  1. Foot ware – good hiking boots to scale the rocky terrain, steep climbs and wet ground. Gumboots could do, although not as much as hiking boots.
  1. Clothes – dress light; breathable hiking pants and a polyester t-shirt. However, carry something warm for the night, and if possible, another pair of clothes.
  1. Hiking supplies – get enough water, at least 2 litres in a refillable bottle. Snacks, sunscreen, sunglasses and a torch.
  1. Fitness – the Kimakia trail is easy, apart from the steep ascends along the river. A light warm-up before the hike is sufficient. 




We are passionate about discovering trails not just in Kenya, but also in other breathtaking locations. Our goal is to conquer mountains, marvel at waterfalls, delve into forests, and immerse ourselves in thrilling adventures. 


Kilometers Hiked


Scenic Views