Elephant Hill Hike – Aberdares

Citizens: Ksh. 2,900 Non-Citizens: Ksh. 3,900


The Ultimate Hiking Destination 

The Elephant Hill hiking expedition is on the Western Side of the Aberdare, 100 kilometres from Nairobi City. It earned the name Elephant Hill because the terrain resembles an elephants hump. The Aberdare region is generally a hiker’s paradise, with one of the best hiking experiences in the country. You get to experience the rough terrain, extreme weather and one of the highest altitude gains for a day’s hike. The hike is 9km long, broken down into 4 parts; the first 4km of paved path, 3km through a bamboo forest and the rest dedicated to the rising altitude and rocky terrain. Come along and witness the extremes of the Ultimate Hiking destination. 


Into the Aberdares…

The hiking starting point is the Njambini Forest Station gate, 28km off the busy Nairobi Naivasha highway. At this point, the altitude is already at 2500m above sea level. 3 km into the hike from the starting point is a soft trek, wading through cattle and sheep. You experience a gradual elevation of about 302m up to where the hike starts officially.  1.5km deep into the hiking trail passes through a dense bamboo cover, with muddy paths and narrow trails. The bamboo gate, a towering canopy, greets you at the end of the stretch. It stands at 2933m above sea level. Prepare for a slippery, muddy and poorly lit trek. The best you can do here is to wear hiking boots and warm clothing. You will notice elephant dung and footprints along the way. That shouldn’t worry you since wild animals keep off human trails. Moreover, all hikes within the Aberdare usually have an armed wildlife service guard. After the bamboo zone comes the ultimate hiking experience dubbed “A Point of Despair.” From the sharp altitude gain to rocky terrain, the exercise becomes tough. Scattered shrubs and lobelia are the common vegetation here. Keep steady on the trail since a small slip can course serious bodily harm. At the summit of the hike, standing at 3,513m above sea level, you get to see the 360º view of the Aberdare Ranges, Ndakaini Dam, Kinangop Peak (the second highest in the Aberdares) and the Sasumua dam. 


The Weather

Geographically, Aberdare Forest is a highland, making it one of the coldest places in Kenya. Regardless of the time of the year, Aberdare is cold. Ensure you carry enough warm clothes, just in case mother nature decides to open up the skies.

What to Carry Along

1.Footwear – recommended hiking boots since the place is muddy and slippery. The cold and wet weather keeps the trail moist.

  1. Clothes – the place is cold. Ensure you have enough warm clothes and a raincoat. 
  1. Hiking supplies – thanks to the terrain, you need energy throughout the hike. Carry enough snacks and some painkillers. The high altitude can take a toll on you. You should also carry enough water, a 2 to 3 litres refillable water bottle and water. 
  1. Fitness – hiking at Elephant Hill is tough. You need to be fit if you want to get to the summit. 





Total Kilometers Hiked

Stunning Views